Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Glorious Obsession

Glorious Obsession

by: Mohammed Kazim

Thought contemplation reflection perpetual
a collision of emotions my mind's attire

rumination a desire for a special individual
no description in words for how i admire

her composition the progression of love gradual
her presence.. my body and my soul require

smiles sighs erruption of emotions consensual
yearning..craving.. a fusion of our flaming fire

intangible yet so splendid this obsession mutual
the jealous and heinous to undo this conspire

do they know not that we're beyond that sequel?!
efforts so useless to them my advice is retire

dedicated envy to part loved ones habitual??
cowardly and sly yet unshaken we stand higher

a passion.. a longing.. a yen for her effectual
these feelings I will yell from every tower & every spire

to make known to them that this bond is continual
that no dent can they make in our forted empire

Allah's protection I beg from evil so luctual
His justice I await on a day for them so dire

impatient ardent athirst for sanctuary spiritual
an existence incomplete until in my arms i acquire

my angel my peace my shelter my haven my ritual
my glorious obsession who makes my life entire

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful. I'm speechless.
    May you unite with your glorious obsession.
